Don't even ask me what i am doing here ok. some of us just need a place to place thoughts rolling around in our heads . On that note i say when you wake up in the morning you should begin the day with writting down your goals and then your grips and leave them all there except of course your goals.
what is life in Alaska like for me you may ask? Interesting to say the least. i could sit and tell you some very funny stories about living here for sure. and eventually i will. But for now my concern is just this one day in my other wise mundain life LOL
It begins early enough for me up at sometimes 4, 5 or 6 and all with out the aide of an alarm clock something i trained myself to do years ago as a young mother. And now to think i am a great grandma at a very early age. leaves one to think where the heck did time run off too. i make the coffee ,sit with hubby and talk about possible plans not un- normal i think for most couples and then off we go to do the daily thing, work, care for kids, house work and the like . Only to end it totaly exahusted and so tired sometimes sleep evades us both.
iIwas thinking about chores the other day and wrote that when i was in my 20's i read an article about doing chores and it gave how many times in one persons life they would wash a drinking glass. LOL i went on to say i about stopped washing dishes at that time. and went out to buy paper cups instead. all the while thinking who are they really kidding so what. can't be right cause their talking about one drinking glass and what if that one drinking glass is broken along the way to the end goal their talking about. LOL
we all have dreams of life and how its supposed to go for us when we grow up. right? sometimes those don't come out just as we planned for them to go. ok i am rambling here for lack of a better term but trying to begin this blog is'nt and easy task. anyway, i watch my children and grands grow up and wonder sometimes if some of the things they are dreaming of for themselves in an economy such as it is will even come to light for them. after all the prices of things across the board are so steep its a wonder grown children can even leave home anymore until there ready to retire. makes one look at the american dream and how dead it really is. rent anywhere form $700 a month to heck i have heard of $4,000 seriously. and leaves me to wonder what the heck are you renting and what sort of job would you have to have to be able to rent that kind of place . The tolets must be made of gold LOL sure is'nt the run of the mill home for that much. And then of course the prices over and above all that to make sure you feed your face and have the bare eccentials of daily life. come on where are any of the kids trying to move out going to get that kind of cash.
ok date my in age, i remember when rent was 75 bucks a month for a flate and you got 5 bedrooms and all utilities with that too. All you had to do was plug in your tv and have your phone brought in and you were set. of course truth be know i was a starving student back then stuggling to make it though college. Now i am older by far and supposedly wiser and still poor as a church mouse LOL but the fact is i am still here. and that is what counts right?
i remember first moving back to alaska in the 80's and cking out the prices of cars, brand new of course. About passed out from laughter they wanted 12,000 back then for a brand new car. oh ,cool ,guess what not even going to give you a dime for one cause my first house i bought back in the 60's cost a whooping 12,000 totally, on a 30 year morgage and all we were paying was 112 a month for it back then. cars went for 2 grand brand new. no way was i going to hand over that kind of money for a car. which we all know begins to depreciate once you drive it off the lot so why throw money into something that isnt going to give back more then a meassily few bucks on your investment right? needless to say i have done alot of walking over the years and alot of never driving around though i do hold a drivers licence anyway LOL
but then i talked to my mother a few years later on and asked her how come she was so livid over the price she paid out in house taxes only to be told its horrible i found out in talking to her she paid out about 1.000 back then. not to bad said me to me. but then i in talking to her i found out her and dad paid 1,000 for their home in the 30's what a shocker that was i then understood what bothered her so much about house taxes for her it was a nightmare for sure because each year she paid the city the same price she paid long ago for the orginal price of her home. wowza what a shocker that is kinda makes you wonder where its all leading to when you grow old huh. gosh i sure hope it doesnt get that out of hand.
ok enough complaining aready :)))))))) what will today bring for me? the snuggles and compionship of a sweet grand daughter ,time ,to write in the blog. more rain of course. and then there is time to relax maybe i hope. seriously it happens once in a while in my hectic life :) the kids get out of school today yahooooo summer time and games, making quilts and nature walks taking pictures around town enjoying life as it is and what ever it brings my way. camping out under the stars ,maybe some fishing, living like huck finn and tom. Hey i can buy that one for sure. so what is important to me? placing all the things that bug the crap out of me down as soon as i can before i begin my day and then just grabbing the day and the things i wish i could do and running out there and making some of those nicer things happen. with that i will sign out. have a wonderful day where ever your at and enjoy your life to the best you can see you again when i find something to share :)
ps :what is going to make me happy? the best of all for me this month is my son in the navy comes home on leave for a month yahooooooo havent seen him for a year all this mess we have had every where boy its going to be a good month for sure. all bad thigs move on down the road this mom, grandma, great-grandma and of course wife is going to have a blast dungens crab feed here i comeeeeeeeeee:)))))))))) yahoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!