ok lets get to the comedy of life here..........
i live in downtown juneau ok and in the summer it gets very interesting here. of course we have a huge tourist industry that bulges the poputation of our town to the edges during tourist months. from may to oct. each year. along with that comes life with the wild life here. black bears mostly some porcipines and a ton of eagles .
about two years ago i saw this huge picture like poster in a store window courious i went up close to see it and saw this black bear causually walking past the red dog solon in down town juneau at lunch time . there were people in all the windows peeking out to see this site as the bear lifted the lid on the trash can the city had near the door and took out a mac donalds meal someone had thrown in there . all i did was smile :)
a year before that hubby went to open the door in the am to leave for work. only to find this huge black bear sitting on our front step he said the bear looked like he was enjoying himself watching the mountians and the sun coming up. so he closed the door and got another cup of coffee. sat and drank it then figured maybe the bear was gone by now. went to see but the bear was still there. so off for one more cup of mud and then back to ck . he said this went on for awhile to the point he thought he would be late for work. then he got mad went to the door opened it up, inches from the bear he told that bear to please leave cause your making me late for work i cant even get past you. only to see the bear turn to him with a look of what the heck is work! ck out this sunrise here man slow down LOL needless to say this called for another cup of coffee and a phone call into work telling his boss i cant come in until this bear leaves the porch. not to long after that the bear did leave and all was well one more time in hubbys life :)
you just never know about bears here ,they dont care what time of day or night it is. they walk around as though they own the town and if your in there way you better move. we have seen them across the street from the court house and state legs building . of couse who would eat lunch there right got to hand it to those bears they know what tough meals those people would make LOL
oh but last year it got down right funny LOL
i was laying on the couch sleeping, sometimes i do that. fall asleep watching tv and dont move off the couch. i hear hubby moving around and think ok he is letting the dog out . not uncommon for this early in the am. but the next thing i hear is him leaving. i roll over and try to go back to sleep only the yelling has started. so i sit up . the yelling goes on. so i am now very couriuous as to what the heck is going on . about that time here comes hubby back in the door with the dog in tow. in his boxer shorts no less and nothing more. as it goes hubby had heard a bear at our trash box and gone to shoo it off. opening the door thinking ok i can handle this from here ,i yell he leaves, i go back to bed. WRONGGGG! instead of going as planned our chicken dog decides this is his moment of true courage and runs outside going between hubbys legs to get there. and off he goes down the street chasing the bear. who is running like his life depended on it. well hubby was worried about our chicken dog so with out thinking out he runs out side to retireve the dog .now its him chasing the dog who is chasing the bear in of all things his boxer shorts. LOl and in our neighborhood live ,across the street a dentist ,a preacher and a judge, a baker and lawyers. oh this is jucie for sure. good thing no one was awake or on the streets too or someone would have fainted from the sear laughter of it all for sure LOL dang good thing the bear didnt pass away from shock LOL