Painting in Alaska
It was supposed to be a day of painting here. We all woke up to lists of things to get done. Shopping lists consisting of paint for the patio, an orbital sander so we could sand down the patio table and refinish it. As well as and assortment of other shopping items. Like paper plates and iced tea.
After several hours out running around gathering up all the things we thought we needed. And having a car full of kids and of course our dog that absolutely refuses to be left at home. We finally got home. But as things go it was the wrong kind of sand paper for the sander so out the door hubby goes with the grandson in tow to remedy that. And out I go onto the patio with the grand daughters to scrub down the patio deck of all the dirt and clutter of what was left of leaves and things to make sure it was ready to paint again. A chore I don’t actually like to do but one that comes up about every two years or so. Three of us hosing it down and running the deck brush over it and then were in for a while to relax while it dries. Started a game of scrabble with the older granddaughter. And in comes hubby. Seems he is announcing there is a huge water leak in the city main. Right on our street. So I go out to look. And yep there sure the heck is one. Right straight across the road from side walk to side walk and water pouring every where into the street and getting worse every min. the neighbors drive way was flooding fast as the curb was high enough to deflect it from our yard but was running straight down into there drive way , basement and yard. Which is set lower then ours. And there is this mt. like piece of cement that is in front of their driveway that is growing by the min looking as though it’s a volcano ready to burst any second. For fear of it doing so and cement being thrown in the air in any direction I take the kids into the house and wait for the city to show up and take care of their flood. All I can say is any thoughts we had of painting the patio deck were totally gone for the day. So we spent the day working on the table instead.
Got that just about done and here comes the rain. Hubby's words as we scrambled to grab all our things was that is the last time I will buy paint when it is sun shinning out LOL
The scrabble game was a blast though. My grand daughter laid down a letter s on the board on a triple word score and got 63 points geshhhhhhhh did I ever have a hard time trying to catch up with her on that one. Never actually did her last word for that game was the word win. Grrrrrrr last letters I pulled were rid and of all things shit. LOL tell you what that sure told me a ton about how my game was going LOL
Like I said life in my neck of the world is never dull.