Summer mode in Alaska ,
Tell you what Iunderstand how come we here hybernate like bears in the winter time .LOL Rule of thumb no matter where you live in alaska is this. if it is nice out, warm enough to venture out at all and sun shinning , it's concidered almost a sin to stay inside. Soooooo once the weather is nice no one is inside. Except for me of course for alittle while Tonger today.
wanted to work on email and this blog and then i will be out working on my tan.
this week saw our grandson graduating from high school. that was such a mess. they picked me up at 1. after dropping him off to get his cap and gown and family tickets. only to find when we got there no one knew where his cap and gown were located at so it was run in circles for an hour to find them. we were sent from person to person only to be sent on. geshhhh what a mess . when we did locate those then it was the case of the missing tickets. so he stood there watching the last of the family members go into the gym and knew even if he would walk his family being myself his auntie and gf wouldnt be able to get in. so he said lets leave i am not doing this with out my family. admirable yep not bad at all. one of the ladies that was taking tickets from people going in knew him and my daughter his auntie so after talking to her we were able to get in. soooooooo happy to say he walked got his deploma and graduated.
now as far as funny stories. i once got on a city bus with my children when they were younger it was one of the things we liked to do in the evenings take a bus ride and watch the sun go down. well one lady got on the bus and sat across from us this predated the tourist busses we have all over here in the summertime full of tourists. well time goes on and this lady decides to talk to me. that is ok i am not an unfriendly person. exept she had no intentions of being kind or talking nicely instead she wanted to complain. she told me it was horrible how people came to see our city and we didnt clean up. all this as a city sweeper went slowly by in the other lane going the opposit direction. i didnt say a word as i though ok here we go. she was loud enough everyone that was sitting near us including the bus driver could hear her. she went on to say she had been out to see our glacier and it was dirty as anything she had ever seen. and we should be ahamed of oursleves. i still sat there with out a word and tried not to bust up laughing. then she announced that everyone in our city should have gotten out there at spring time before our tourist's showed up and gotten up there with brooms and swept off all the dirt. and hosed it down so it would sparke like it should for our visistors. i remained silent. eventually she got off the bus leaving all of us regular city folks on the bus. the doors closed and then we pulled away and then all you could hear was a roar of laughter as we took off down the road. the bus driver turned around at the next stop light and told me you did a good job dealing with her so when are we all heading out to sweep that glacier and then broke out in laughter. LOL now if you dont happen to know anything about a glacier let me tell you now there is no way i will ever climb on one of those things for no one and sweep it of anything. those things are nothing but huge ice cubes that have deep cravaces in them you could fall into besides there to to cold for this grandma to even concider walking on . then of course there is the calving of them not even going to be on one when it decides its time to do that when a huge cunk of it falls off into the lake below.. :))))) tell you some people should for sure read there brocures before they visit another area or if nothing else learn something about the place and the culture there going to go see and leave there culture baggage at home where it belongs. LOL had she even bothered to stop at the visitors center at the glacier she would have taken the time to learn a ton of wonderful things about glaciers and what goes on LOL :) oh well made for a very interesting and funny time for us to say the least .
ok enough said i am out of here its sunshinning here and i want to go work on my tan. where ever your at you enjoy your day see you when i can :)