its only and eagle honey
papa comes running into the house tells me grab a blanket and lets go. i do as i am told not a clue what is going on. as we drive he tells me he was on his way home when he spotted this baby eagle in the middle of the road and it seems like its injured. so he wants to pick it up but needs the blanket and some help and then we will take it to the bird sanctuary. i think ok not a problem we can do this. so off we go. park the car and out he jumps and looks through the bushes for the eagle. i am out too but i dont have a clue where to look. suddenly papa comes back with this blanket in his arms and clearly you can tell he has the baby in it. he tells me to get into the car and shut my door. so he can put it in the back seat. i do as i am told and sit still waiting patiently for him to do what he is doing and think ok we wil be gone in a few. i wasnt taking a big look at the blanket or what was under it. i figured he knew what he was doing. i sure didnt. he gets done and jumps into the car. which is not a big one its one of those go cart size things a honda civic LOL i decide to take a look see . now i know eagles are not tiny things and i know this is a baby. but what in the world was my mind thinking. i turn around only to see this bird sitting in the back of the car and i am suddenly fightened of it and shocked to see how big this baby is. he was sitting there on the seat and his head was up to the back of the head rest on my seat. he was about 3 ft tall and took up 1/2 half of the back seat. i turned around fast and my heart is pounding i know what one of these can do if they get upset and this one isnt secured in the back either he is just sitting there and i know his wing span if he flapped those things could cause major problems too let alone that beak of his. but all he did fortunitly is sit there like he was enjoying the ride and saying hey this is cool i dont have to flap my wings to get anywhere LOL we got him to the shelter and they took him out of the back. fortunitly he was just about as wet as he could be and all he needed was some down time to dry off before he was set free again in a day. it was raining earlier before we ran into him and he couldnt dry off is all.
i tell you papa will pick up any hitch hiker LOL