pancakes papa ?
When we first moved to Alaska some 20 years ago we lived in little trailers. None of the space inside was very big. Only one person could stand at the stove and do any cooking. And of course that was papa. The rest of us sat around the table while he did this. There was certianly no getting up while he was cooking too. With wiggly kids that is sure tough so he and i came up with a way around all this to keep the family happy.
The trailer park was surrouned by trees and bushes and a ton of those were blueberry bushes. So every week end morning papa would hand out cups to each of the children and send them off to pick blueberries of course this was only during the summer months here. But it worked out really well for all of us concerend. This gave him space to do the cooking and all of us adults the time to have am coffee with out always turning to a child and telling them to sit still.
I am sure too the kids had races to see who could fill their cup up first and get those berries to papa for the pancakes. I know each of them had fun and now that all of them are grown up i know they remember things like that too.