shelter island fishing with papa
now this is the only way to go . yep fishing out on a good boat . were past the row boat thing the dingys and the like and into a skiff that is really good aluminum :) so we have a motor on it and we can now go places in it. cool deal. he puts me in the bow of it when were out on the water makes sure I have a fishing license too. and a pole to go with it though I don't actually fish. its a good thing to take me along because I am the one always gets the most fish while I am reading a book or napping up in the bow . LOL
but this time were out there and the whales come along. there out there playing around jumping and diving and the like. he tells me to look and see what there doing as he suns himself and watches the show. me I got on my knees and peek over the side of the boat. only to see this one young whale jumping not to far from us and I mean not to far. my eyes must have looked like saucers to him too because papa has this gin on his face like none I have seen before LOL
suddenly this whale I am sure sees me and takes a fast swim in our direction . I had seen this one just a min ago go under a smaller boat lift it up enough to knock the two men in it off of it and now I am watching with my heart in my throat as its taking a vee line right for us. I cant move and I cant think. I am so scared. papa is still sitting there ginning like the Cheshire cat in Alice and wonderland at me. and I am just not getting it at all. suddenly this whale isn't but a few feet from us and he looks like he is going to ram us for sure I don't know if I should scream or not and I can see a twinkle in the whales eyes. and almost a gin across his face. and then nothing he disappears under the boat beneath us as fast as a flash. and is gone. I think it took me the rest of that trip to regain my mind for sure LOL
oh but papa has another treat for me in store still. on our way back in he falls asleep on me at the front of the boat tells me I feel like I got to lay down for a bit ok. you just sit here and drift for a bit ok your going to be fine. yea right me thinks. and so with that he lays down. engine going I take over and head into the area where I know we have to go to get back to shore which is by that time about a good 12miles or so by water. but then I am out in the open with prince charming asleep at the bow this time playing sleeping beauty on me LOL the tide suddenly changes on us and that means waves. well I wouldn't have trouble with this if this were a fishing boat like my dads was but this is a skiff and its not actually that big of one either. I kept going and it seems the more I tried to get out of it the more we stayed in one spot. all the while thinking if only he would wake up. I spotted a bigger boat and now I am heading for that . I am going for help this guy isn't waking up and I am not taking any chances out here like this. what a time to take a nap. just a few more and we will be there just a few more is all and I will be safe again. I am heading to the boat and about there about to being waving to them when papa wakes up and asks me where were heading too and what I think I am doing LOL I tell you that was the worst 30 mins I ever spent in a boat so I think at that time . needless to say we went home the rest of the miles and were safe. we got home very late that night though . I think for a summer night it was pretty dark out then too. but I learned something you cant fool Mr. water man out on the ocean he knows exactly where he is even when he is asleep :)