picnic on the lake
oh sigh, romance is in the air its spring time and all I can think is lets do something different lets have dinner some place interesting. we had this rubber raft and so papa says sure thing . lets head out to the lake out the road. so we put the raft on the car and took dinner and we left alone no kids. I am thinking cool a nice quiet romantic dinner for two and I know he is thinking the same thing
we got there fine, parked the car and took the raft off set our dinner in it and got in. begin to row to the middle the idea is to drift and eat dinner while were doing so and enjoy the time and the lovely view together right? all is well and we stopped rowing thinking here this is a good place to stop. we put the oars up and open our meal and begin to put everything on plates. looks really yummy to each of us. sigh. that is about the time the bugs hit us full force and I do mean bugs. they were all over the place us the food the raft you name it. its a wonder we could even see let alone stay in the boat LOL the food got left where it was and we took those oars and rowed back to shore as fast as we could bugs chasing us all the way. and we put that raft on the car and went home and ate dinner like any normal people at our own table with tons of bug bites all over ourselves LOL oh but for romance where in the world would we be huh :) I think we spent the next week with calamine lotion all over ourselves too LOL