Thursday, May 19, 2005

walk walk walk that is what i am into lately.
i had developed this nasty habit awhile back of pacing the floors while talking to my daughter on the phone so i asked for a cell phone for mothers day and was totally surprised not only to get it but to get all i asked for in a cell phone package.
i had said you know if i got a cell phone instad of pacing the floors i could take this kid and a cell phone and head out the doors and take long walks since we talk for two hours when we do talk. and that was it cell phone unlimited mins 411 long distance mins and two phone cards and i hit the road. discoverd there are alot of nice people out there and no one bites as of yet but then i live in an area where i still dont have to worry about that sort of thing yet.
so i get up early and dial up and out i go. and i tell you what i feel ten times better for it all of course my legs screamed at me for the first week or so but i kept telling them to shut up and i kept on going anyway LOL and now its just not happening that often .
i love watching the people arrive early in the am doing there thing sweeping the sidewalks in front of their stores and getting ready to open up. and i love listening to the birds cherping away greeting the day . its just awesome to be able to get out and do this even thought our temps here are only at 45 to 47 in the am still . i go anyway no matter what the weather is like rain or not. coffee in one had and gone. its good to be alive and i act it for sure.

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Fishing trip slide show ( one of four)

Fishing trip slide show (two)

Fishing trip slide show ( three)

Fishing trip slide show ( four)