Sunday, February 18, 2007

I tell you this bog is the only one i seem to have trouble with and it is the original one among the three i do have. of all things.
i cant seem to get the comments to even show up or a title bar just a label bar down below the window you type in so i don't get it .
but that shouldn't stop me from yaking away in here right?
today its 6:14 am and mid night black out there still. and the temp is 34 degrees . no snow on the ground but then that is always subject to change in this neck of the woods .
i seriously do need to sit with all my Cd's and look for pictures of Alaska to post here for you. i love taking pictures when i have a good digital camera that is. last really good one i had i loaned to my son when he was home on leave he left it unattended in our truck walked off just long enough for someone to steal it. so i bought a new one cheep as could be . sigh never ever settle for anything cheep in cameras i should have known because this thing is a piece of ____ ____ one picture same setting is perfect the next one is as bad as bad can be.
but i do have some awesome pictures of Alaska to share.
awe but right now it is so silent in the house and outside too. you cant see or hear anything moving and the loudest sound anywhere is the sound of my key board making noise as i type away.
last night i was busy working on knitting a hat . i love knitting and i do allot of that no matter what time of year it is. if you want to know more about that visit my blog at there you will find me talking and talking about knitting .
here i like to tell story's or share the mundane life of living in Alaska
anyway. i ran out of yarn and of course when no stores are open . isn't that when it happens ? yep totally awful. so now i wait patiently for 11 am to come around so i can go buy one more skein and then i can finish this latest hat.
i really feel for allot of people living down in the middle states and up in the new England states this year . because their weather and amount of snow has us here in Alaska beat hands down. right now there is no snow on the ground even though we had some yesterday. all that is gone now and i am actually beginning to see my rhubarb sprouting outside. just a wee bit but it is sprouting. so i know spring is just around the corner.
and yep this year i am so tired of snow and ice and wind and rain and so ready for a change. i want to get out more and more this year. would walk to the library but there is so much ice on the ground here in parts its not worth the risk just yet to walk around. so i do allot of driving . drive here and there. and drive some more. but i am out and about all the time as much as i can be.
cabin fever can be a really bad thing if you don't do something to keep the thing at bay. so i knit allot. and dream of warmer places.
OK enough said this time enjoy your day i have to go get more coffee .

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Fishing trip slide show ( one of four)

Fishing trip slide show (two)

Fishing trip slide show ( three)

Fishing trip slide show ( four)